Our Ethical Pledge
Our Pledge
Pixie Dixie cares about the miles travelled and our carbon footprint. As a family run business, we are passionate about our products not only being made in the UK but also supporting small UK family business’s. Whilst Cotton is not farmed in Britain, we source in a way that demands minimal transportation. From Knitted fabric to printer, to fabric finisher, to applying Micro-Fresh®, to manufacturer to packaging to our Pixie Dixie doorstep. Your garments will have travelled less than 200 miles before we send them to you.
Loving your planet means looking after what you do when you have grown out of your favourite Pixie Dixie clothes. We don’t want any pre-loved Pixie Dixie garments going to landfill so once your little one has grown, pass it on to your baby brother, sister, cousin or friend before passing on again and again and again.
Micro-Fresh® is an invisible ingredient that keeps your products feeling clean and fresh. It’s hypoallergenic, vegan friendly, free from plastic and suitable for the most sensitive of skin types. IT’S PREFECT FOR KIDS!
No bacteria means no odours, which reduces the need for intensive cleaning and extends the lifespan of your products. Less washing (and at lower temperatures!), means you can wear more and it will last for years and years